Monday, July 28, 2008

Pink or Blue...

We are now 20 and a half weeks pregnant!!! Pretty much half way to holding our little one in our arms!! We cannot believe it! This blog brings some exciting news...many of you (my kids at school in particular who will find our at work today) have been asking what we are having and now after our appt on Sunday we know and are happy to say that we are having an adorable little GIRL!!

Tiny fingers, tiny toes, little itty bitty clothes. Dresses, ribbons & hair to curl, we're tickled pink to be having a girl!

We already know what we will name her but that will be a surprise for you. Grandma says we can call her Holly for the time being since her due date is still December 11th. The ultrsound tech said she is a very healthy and active baby so far. We could definitely see that she was active...she was doing sommersaults and backflips the whole time! We were lucky to get a view showing us she was indeed a girl! I haven't felt this busy body yet but I know I will soon. She weighs 13oz so far which is normal.

We will post pictures of the ultrasound soon along with Chris's big 30th bday party pictures. We had a great time celebrating with friends and family on Saturday afternoon/night. Friday night (his actual bday) he and I played mini golf at the Putt'r There golf course at Como Zoo and then ate pizza and watched Heroes...our new favorite show. I know we both had lots of fun the whole weekend! Thank you all who could make it over to celebrate...and we definitely had at least 30 different beverages to chose from!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

One proud set of Aunts and Uncles

This summer has been so amazing...we have gotten to become aunts and uncles of three new babies! And also a second cousin to a little guy in Colorado! And this winter we become parents...but for now we are happy to be getting to know our twin nieces and boy cousin born the end of June and our nephew born last week! They are all beautiful, healthy babies and the new mommies and daddies are also doing well!
So I couldn't figure out how to arrange the pictures exactly how I wanted them so they are just going to have to be above my writing. Sorry! But I think you can figure out who is who...

The very top and center is Erik, Lisa and Dylan. Below that one is us and Dylan. To th left and below us are Jenny and Cole's new daughters...Peyton and Ella. I am holding Ella with the proud big sister Naomi. I don't know why there aren't any of Chris...he definitely held them!! Sorry :( We went to visit them in Red Wing the day after they were born. They are by far the smallest babies I have ever held weighing in at 5lbs ad 5.5 lbs I believe!

Almost a month later (and the same night as the Dark Knight came out) Dylan Gregory Henjum entered the world. He is the one posted with the full head of dark hair being held by Chris in that picture. We went to visit him a day after he was born too. It wasn't because we had prebought tickets to one of the best movies of the summer though. (The Dark Knight was amazing though!)He weighed in at 7lbs 1oz and 21 inches long. All the babies had A LOT of visitors during their first couple days of life! What lucky and loved kiddoes already!

Along with meeting all of these babies we have been very busy working on some more home projects (more so Chris than me, I have mostly been busy planning crafts for my wild 2nd and 3rd graders). We will post pictures of our home remodeling soon and some of you will see thema at Chris's 30th bday this weekend! YAY!
We also had a family reunion/gathering with Chris's side of the family since an aunt, uncle and cousin were visiting from California. It was a very fun day full of meeting more babies that his cousins had this spring, playing yard games, rock band, bbqing and catching up.
Mom and I went to a variety of garage sales in River Falls during River Falls Days while the boys worked on Erik and Lisa's bathroom. We had quite a bit of luck too! Chris and I now have a crib, I have some maternity clothes and mom and I both have a few more cook book magazines!

So, like I said the summer has been amazing and very busy! I can't believe August is approaching us so soon. My summer activities program will be done next Thursday so August will consist of helping my sister in laws with their babies, working at the Twins and Caribou Coffee and I recently decided to help my friend of many years make her move to Florida. Chris and I also will be taking a trip to Kansas City to watch the Twins battle the Royals and celebrating our 2 year anniversary!

Hope this finds you all well and you enjoyed the pictures and our lil update of our life!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Happy 4th of July!

Our Fourth of July 2008 was filled with hanging out with friends, grilling our and of course watching fireworks!!! Our friend was visiting from AZ and stayed with us from Wednesday evening through Sunday. We spent Wed catching up and grilling, Thursday we met some other friends at Sweeneys on their wonderful patio for dinner and drinks (lemonade for me!) and then off to Half Time Rec for some Bocce Ball in the basement. We ended the evening at our house rocking out with rock band!

Friday we had brunch at Keys Cafe and then purchased some frisbee golf discs to use at a course (Acorn Park) we discovered close to our house. After that fun event we napped until a few more friends came over to grill out before the fireworks. For the fireworks we made our way to the Taste of Minnesota around 9, tasted some ice cream and viewed the show. It was very fun! Afterwards we headed to a friends apt in downtown St. Paul for a while so we didnt have to wait in the parking ramp and traffic for an hour.

Saturday I had to work at the Twins game in the afternoon and the morning was spent just kind of hanging out. After work, Chris and I headed over to Brian and Ashley's new place for a party. It was fun to see them and play some games and eat!

Sunday I had to work again but this time it was in the morning so Chris and I had time for a fun afternoon/evening together. Just the two (three of us)! We were so so hot so we decided to find a cute beach near our house and take dip for a while. When we had cooled off enough we headed home where we grilled again and worked on the yard! We made a delicious dinner of grilled corn on the cob, steak and bread!! YUM! YUM!!!

Now its Monday and back to work! This week at work our theme is here is to animal crafts! I need to go prepare for the project.

Hope all of your Fourths were as fun as ours!