Wednesday, October 19, 2011
A pumpkin with a few infections...
Family Fall Trip
This year we decided we would go to the Heartwood Conference Center for our annual fall trip. The Heartwood is the same place we have stayed at for the Birkie Ski Race the past couple of years. We had never been there in any season other than winter but knew winter was a blast. Well fall was too! There was quite a bit of storm damage from the storms at the beginning of July but we it was still a beautiful place to be.
Chris, Linnea and I tried to head up Friday after work/daycare and got about 1 hour out and Linnea said she didn't feel well. At first we thought maybe it was just motion sickness since we were doing a lot stopping and going thanks to traffic, mixed with her cold/cough she has been battling for a few weeks. Or maybe she was hungry. Well we stopped for food and she didn't eat and was getting "greener" by the mile and had developed a little fever. So we decided to turn around and head straight to the doctor. There was so much traffic on the way up but not nearly as much on the way back so we made it to the doctor in less time. Linnea miraculously fell asleep on the way to the dr but we woke her to go get her checked out. The doc didn't find anything so we went home thinking it was a mixture of carsickness, cold, cough, virus. By the time we got home it was close to 10 so we all headed to bed with hopes that we would feel better in the morning and attempt the trip again. And sure enough, we woke up feeling good so we repacked quick and got on the road around 10 and made it with no carsickness and no movie!! Linnea just colored and sang the whole way! couldn't believe it!
When we got there everyone was finishing up lunch so we joined in, unloaded our car and then we all played outside with kites and at the playground that was conveniently outside our door! yay! Brian and his family arrived on Saturday too.
After the hayride we went on a treasure hunt, did some crafts, played and got ready for our delicious Rigatoni, salad and bread dinner. After dinner I think we just played some more (lots of playing involved when there are 6 kids 5 or under!) When we got all those kids to bed us adults were able to learn one new game and then get some rounds of Nertz in!
Such a proud big cousin to her baby Kaylan.
A musician in the making. She takes after her daddy with her musical talents!
On Sunday as we were packing it up it sort of seemed like we just got there. Our trips go so fast but it is always nice to get the whole family together and enjoy each other's company. We did one last craft after our pancake breakfast. Now all the nephews have Big Green Monsters somewhere in their houses!
We did extend the activities a little bit on the way home by stopping for two letterboxes. We found one, but failed to find the other. The one we did find was on the Trego Nature Trail which was a lovely trail that I'd like to hike all of one day! Even the kids could do it!
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Como Zoo, Java Train and Tutu's
Linnea and I took a quick (very quick) trip to Como Zoo this past Sunday. I thought there was a scarecrow alley similar to the one at the MN Zoo which would be fun to see but apparently no one made any scarecrows to set up so we headed to the big cats instead. On the way we had to stop to pose on the giraffe.
Linnea has been asking to see a lion for many days so we were thrilled when it was out walking around. She also got to see a tiger up close by the window! We were literally only there for about 40 minutes, since we arrived at 3:30 and the place closes at 4:00.
We headed to Java Train afterwards for some ice cream together. There is also a small play structure and some trucks, cars and toys to play with outside. It was a great lil date mommy and daughter outing!
When we got home she found her tutu and thought it would be fun to have on her head like a lion...and mine!
Chuck and DeAnna Clemens!
Our friends Chuck and DeAnna tied the knot in New York at Niagara Falls at the end of September with their immediate families. They had a wonderful time! We got to celebrate with them and our old gang of friends last weekend at one of our favorite neighborhood bars, Sweeney's! We all had a wonderful time. It had been a while since we had seen some of the people there so it was great to catch up and spend time with such happy newlyweds.
Aamodts Apple Farm
Linnea and I went to Aamodt's Apple Farm together with our New Parent Connection Group. We all look forward to seeing our kiddoes in costumes so we decided to just have them wear their costumes to the orchard since we also wanted to go to an orchard together.
I was not prepared though and didn't have a great costume for squirt. She was happy to wear her tutu and carry her wand around though and we borrowed our friends wings so she was sort of a fairy, princess, butterfly.
It was a beautiful day to be at the orchard. We enjoyed a hay ride, "train" ride, hay maze, riding mini tractors, playing on the slide and having a picnic.
I dropped Linnea off at grandma and papa's afterwards for a sleepover while Chris and I went out to celebrate Chuck and DeAnna's wedding celebration which will be a post of its own! My Uncle Brad was also in town this weekend but I sadly got no pictures. I know, what a surprise, me no pics? We had dinner at GG's with him Friday and Linnea got to spend Sat night and Sunday morning with him too since he was staying at my parents too. It is always nice to catch up and hear about what he and Sophie are up to in Utah. Hopefully we will get out to see them sometime.
painting toe nails and goin potty
Linnea has a VERY hard time getting her toenails clipped. Like very hard. The way she cries and screams and fights it is worse than when she gets shots at the doctors. We have tried everything...pretending the toenails hit us in the head when we clip, painting the toenails, clipping before and after the bath, putting her fav show or movie on while doing it for a distraction, clipping her favorite stuffed animals or dolls toes, giving her a sucker, giving her an m & m after each toe...everything. If anyone has other ideas please let me know! As you can see in this picture we have also painted and clipped ours in front of her, yes our, daddy's toes look so nice with pink on them! SO for now we just struggle through it and daycare has helped twice as well.
We are also moving right along with this potty training business! Still have to figure out when #2 is actually going to happen. She always thinks she needs to go, sits down for a second and gets up. She will do this plenty of time before the real thing happens. Its better than poop in the pants though!
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Twin Cities Marathon and other first weekend of Oct. festivities!
Friday night after daycare Linnea and I did some errands right after daycare while daddy cooked some yummy ghoulash for dinner. It was delicious and afterwards we just kinda played and had Tinkerbell on, yes Tink again. She loves it still! Saturday I had high hopes of getting up early, running and then going to a new park by the Midway Hamline Library and then the library for their fall festival...BUT Linnea had a rough night which means we had a rough night so we ended up sleeping until 9 and then I ran with Linnea at Como and played at the Choo Choo Park basically until lunch time. Daddy and L had lunch and the spent the afternoon together while I went to my cousin Tonja's baby shower.
I was home when she woke up from her nap, put dinner in the oven and then we headed to look for a letterbox by a playground near the Como Zoo. We didn't find the box but sure had fun at the park! Dinner was a hit (turkey, mashed potatoes and mixed veggies) and then it was more playtime/show watching and then bath and bed. Chris and I got caught up on Fringe and tried to catch up on house work after she went to bed. No pictures of any of those activities but I do have some for the rest of the blog!
I was home when she woke up from her nap, put dinner in the oven and then we headed to look for a letterbox by a playground near the Como Zoo. We didn't find the box but sure had fun at the park! Dinner was a hit (turkey, mashed potatoes and mixed veggies) and then it was more playtime/show watching and then bath and bed. Chris and I got caught up on Fringe and tried to catch up on house work after she went to bed. No pictures of any of those activities but I do have some for the rest of the blog!
I tried to go to bed early so I could get up early and run before cheering the 10 milers on but that as usual didnt work. I went to bed late but still got up early to go cheer. I was looking for 5 people and ended up seeing 3 of them so thats pretty good! Megan was one I was looking for and Brian, the kids and my parents ended up meeting me at my post at mile 7 and cheering too so that was awesome! They even made signs for us to hold! She had a great run and had pretty perfect weather in my eyes! Every time I watch a big race/run it motivates me to do more of them...I just wish they didn't cost so dang much! We (Brian, Megan, myself and maybe my hubby) do think we will be doing the Disney Marathon in Jan of 2013 though! Sadly I didnt get any pictures of Megan but we really did see her!
It was a super fun morning followed by a fantastic afternoon...we headed to Colvill Park in Red Wing to meet Chris's family including his grandparents whom we haven't seen in months. Jenny was able to bring some of the twins' clothes so Linnea has another new wardrobe again. We are so lucky to be able to get so many hand me downs! I love it! Linnea and her cousins played for about 3 hours at the park and then we decided we better get home. She of course didn't sleep on the way home but we laid her down at 4 for a nap anyways when we got home...actually she laid herself down. We asked do you want a nap or to just go to bed early and she headed upstairs and laid down and didn't want any books, she just wanted me to sing and then she said I go nigh nigh now, you go bye bye! So I did and was able to get my run in and Chris started the laundry of the "new" clothes.
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