This is the cute onesie Linnea sported for the monumental day we had on Tuesday! I actually just noticed that it says "time for a change" which as you probably all will catch on that it can be taken two ways...her diaper and Obama's slogan! Funny and cute huh?? She will be able to wear this for a while...we got a size 6 month!

We had a great time watching the Inuaguration that will go down in history. We tried to go to the Riverview Movie Theater in Mpls with grandpa Keith but didnt get there in time. They had to turn over 100 people away! Oh well...Chris has set our living room up with a nice tv and surround sound so we still enjoyed the touching speeches.

Here is a picture of the crowd at the Riverview. It was a good attempt and it was a milestone for Linnea and I...we hadnt left the house without Chris yet. I dont know why but I was just very nervous for it...it was a mix of not forgetting anything while packing the diaper bag, getting her in and out of the car correctly and just being alone with her in public I guess.
But we made it and had so much fun that on Wednesday we went out again! We ventured to the drive thru at the bank, Caribou Coffee so she got to meet some of my friends and we also went to the library to get some books on healthy baby sleep habits and I needed to get a library card. It was a fun day! The day ended with the Henjum grandparents bringing over Chinese food and hanging out!

And here she is...a very lucky lady to have Obama as her President for the first 4 and maybe 8 years of her life! We are very excited for coming years. Go Obama!
Great Pictures. I'm Hoping Obama will be as great of a President as Garfield was...
I'm a little behind on my comments as usual. I, Grandpa Keith, had a great inaugeration day with Amy and Linnea and Lancy. I will always remember how special it all was.
Love, Grandpa Keith
Oops, Grandpa can't spell very well... it is Inauguration not inaugeration.
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