Okay, we are back from the appt and learned that Linnea weighs 9 lbs 15 oz and is 22 inches long which puts her in the 50 percentile. Her head is on the small side but the doctor wasn't concerned. However, the doc did think her pupils were different sizes so we get to see an eye doctor. Our doctor was 95% sure everything would be fine but to be on the safe side she wants us to get an eye doc's opinion. I wonder how they check babies eyes...
Linnea did very well with the three shots. She definitely let out a deafening scream but then calmed herself down and has pretty much been sleeping ever since. Waking to eat and cuddle a little and then back to dreamland. We have given her infant tylenol so that maybe adding to the long slumbers.
So cute! Love her smile! It's so nice to see what a happy baby she is--I think she takes after her mom :)
Such a CUTE smile!! Love her lots.
Grandma Barb
Wow, what a nice smile! She is a wonderful baby. Looks like she has loving parents.
Love, Grandpa Keith
Love the shirt too! Go Twins!
Goodnight Linnea, Amy and Chris. It is way past your bedtime and I should be in bed also...
Love, Grandpa Keith (again)
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