I forgot to put these with the other house pictures. Chris did this probably more than a month ago and it has been soooo helpful! We love having a pantry. I dont have any good befores so for those of you who never saw it or dont remember, it used to be purple painted wood paneling with no shelving, nothing. We used this room for junk and recycling. Now we have our dry food in it! YAY!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
9 Months Old!
Guess what?? I turned 9 months old on Monday!
As you can see below I don't like to sit for very long...I'm not crawling yet but I sure love to stand and reach for things with help from mom and dad or the coffee table.
I'm getting very good and grabbing my food with my pointer finger and thumb and putting it in my mouth. Mom and Dad get very excited about this and put their hands together and make a very fun sound. Someday maybe I will do that and get another fun reaction from my goofy parents.
I also sometimes just lay and look up at my mobile and throw some happy screams in here and there. I am talking a lot more now. I quietly listened to my cousin Dylan at the Twins Game and went home and decided I could make sounds too! My parents get excited about that too. And the people at the grocery store enjoyed it too. I also try to wave by putting my fist out...some say I am being super Linnea, but really I am waving. Mom says so. I wonder what my tenth month of life will bring...I may crawl, I may not! I also think my parents are hoping I sleep through night on a regular basis. It's just so hard!
Another Twins Game
Here we are on our way to Linnea's 4th Twins game and Dylan's first!
The siblings and cousins before we found our seats!
Grandpa got to give Linnea her bottle...
And Erik and Dylan shared a malt cup! They also shared with us and it was delicious!
Couldnt get this to upload the right way for the life of me but here we are!
And here we are at the end of the game after the Twins won! We had a great time and the kids made it through the whole game! Well, Linnea did her usual hour nap around the 5th inning...
Cant wait to go to the last game of the regular season...Linnea has a new Twins outfit to wear which I LOVE because its a Hunter jersey! YAY! Thanks to Leo for growing out of it!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Remodeling Adventures
Along with our growing baby which is mostly what this blog has been about we have a growing and improving house! We are very lucky to have a dad, uncle and cousin who were able to put this very cool deck and steps up last week. We can now use both of our side doors. The steps to this door have been unusable for about a year and a half. But now we can use it. Hooray! This isn't the totally finished picture though, I will get one of those up. I have time now though and this the most recent one on the computer so here it is!
These were the horrible cement steps before the men started. Pretty awful!
And we have new windows! Almost every window in our house is new thanks to Window World. We can already tell a difference and our bills this winter will also show us a difference. Our house is 100 years old and I wouldn't doubt our previous windows were also 100 yrs old!
The windows above are the new ones....below are the OLD ones!
Once again I have to put another picture up showing the difference of our office winow, but didn't have it on the camera or computer at the moment.
Another posting coming soon will be the before and afters of our downstairs bathroom. Chris and our friend Chuck have been hard at work turning that into a bedroom with small bathroom. Then we will officially have a two bedroom house!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Our lil cutie!
Go Vikes and Happy 80th Bday Grandpa Bremer!
Uncle Jim and Gabrielle visited from Atlanta, GA with their 4 month old Chloe to introduce her to some of her family members and also celebrate Grandpa Bremer's 80th Birthday.
We also got to meet Lexi who shares her birthday with Chris. So she is right around 2 months old. So precious!
Swinging Linnea!
The proud great grandparents!
Happy 80th
Birthday Favre! (aka. Grandpa!)
We have created not only a Twins fan but also a Vikings fan!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Laughing Linnea!
This is what happens after an 8 month old is at the State Fair for 8 hours...she gets a little giddy:
The Great Minnesota Get Together
Now...here is Linnea again with smiling and laughing at a goat. I dont know what gets into her when she sees these or why they fascinate her so much but the laughter that came out of her this time was by far one of the best sounds in the world. She was just cracking up when she pet it and then really got going when the goat touched her foot. People thought this was very entertaining and stopped and watched. It was very fun!
We took a break for malts, a bottle and the parade.
This was after Sweet Martha's cookies, milk, Turkey Sandwiches and Australian Potatoes! YUMMY!
Fun with Uncle Brian!
Megan's boys first ride all by themselves! They did great!
Our lil lamb!
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