Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Great Minnesota Get Together

We made it to the State Fair this year again and had an absolute blast! We had quite the group as well which is always fun. Our cousins came from Stevens Point with their 2 year old, Megan and Brian and her 1.5 yr old and 3 yr old, Chuck, Allison and us three! Allison spent Friday and Saturday night at our house which was wonderful.

Now...here is Linnea again with smiling and laughing at a goat. I dont know what gets into her when she sees these or why they fascinate her so much but the laughter that came out of her this time was by far one of the best sounds in the world. She was just cracking up when she pet it and then really got going when the goat touched her foot. People thought this was very entertaining and stopped and watched. It was very fun!

We took a break for malts, a bottle and the parade.

This was after Sweet Martha's cookies, milk, Turkey Sandwiches and Australian Potatoes! YUMMY!
Ally and Amy with a ridiculous ear of corn on my head. Its the Fair and it made Linnea smile.

Fun with Uncle Brian!

Megan's boys first ride all by themselves! They did great!

Our lil lamb!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You guys really pack in the activities. keep havin' fun!
love grandpa keith