Sunday, April 10, 2011

Baby Shower!

Last week we didn't take many pictures but we sure had fun...we are loving the nice weather we were given this week and getting into a schedule of going to parks before or after dinner...sometimes even both!

Sometimes we think Linnea thinks she owns the park a few blocks from our house. We were there Saturday evening and she stood on the sidewalk while another family was coming up and she just waved and waved and yelled "Hi". She even added, "I'm Nea!" Very cute! The kids then sort of followed each other around the playground and ran through the field towards the train tracks when a train went by. Shouting, "Trains coming!!!" the whole way. I love the way kids get excited about the little things in life. Even when they are the same thing! Linnea sees this train everyday but still gets so pumped about it! She looks up at me with her surprised face as soon as she hears the horn.

Monday we went to a fun family storytime at the Roseville Library where we checked out Madagascar 2 which has been on when we aren't at a park or doing errands or playing. A certain toddler really loves it, especially the hippo Moto, Moto, the name's so nice you have to say it twice. Too bad we have to return it tomorrow :( Good thing the Easter Bunny comes soon...

Anyways...onto an activity we do have pictures from....Megan's baby shower! We threw Megan a baby shower this past Saturday at GG's in the pretty sunroom.
Kaylan is one loved and lucky baby already! Mid May cant come soon enough!

My mom and I made her a diaper cake for the centerpiece. I figured out how to make baby flowery headbands and barrettes so she got a few of those on the cake. You can sort of see it...I should have shut the shades :(

We had brunch food, played a few games, took a few pictures and watched Megan open her sea of pink gifts such as clothes, blankets and hair/head accessories for baby Kaylan.

And of course, grandpa Keith found his granddaughter a Twins onesie! There is even a baseball on the butt!
I managed to get one picture of Linnea and aunt Megan before daddy came to pick her up...

She came to "help" set up the shower and say hi to everyone and eat a little bit, but daddy picked her up about an hour in so she could play with her cousins, uncles and grandpa. She knew right away that she was leaving to have her day with the guys as soon as she saw daddy. She repeated over and over again, Hi Daddy, I'm ready to go...her new thing is to get VERY close to your face and tell you what she wants over and over again!

Sitting in a cute frog chair above and driving the motorized jeep below...with a little help from cousin Dylan.

She truly enjoyed her time with daddy at Brian and Megan's in their HUGE backyard playing with all their outdoor toys and then having frozen pizza for lunch! She even sacked out in the car on the way home which hasn't happened in months!

Thank you to everyone who helped make Megan and Kaylan's special day a success!

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