The plan was to bring Linnea to daycare on Monday after our trip to Duluth and then Chris and I would go spend the day in Stillwater. But since the poor girl still had diarrhea we had to keep her home. Turns out I had a meeting at work from 9-12 anyways. We ended up bringing Linnea in to the Dr. Monday night because her BM's were just not getting solid. It wasnt awful. She was overrall still making it to the potty chair or just doing it in her pull up (we decided underwear wasnt a good choice this week, and she thankfully was okay with it). The doctor said it was just a virus and until she has a solid poop we should keep her home. Well that took until Wednesday night to see one! Poor girl! so anyways, I got to stay home with her all week. Even though she was sick for half of it, it was great and made me miss being a stay at home mom even more. boo. Someday maybe we will make enough for that to work out. But for now, we will just continuing loving our evenings and weekends together. Since she was well most of Wednesday we kept super busy on Thursday and Friday and through the weekend.
Thursday we went to Como Zoo and met Maggie, Rylie and new baby Hank! Maggie is Linnea's Godmother and Chris's cousin and just so fun! She had two other friends and their kids with and everyone got along just great. It was quite a bit hotter than we wanted so we were outta there around noon after our picnic lunch. Linnea and I did stop and ride the historic Carousel on our way out and it was a blast! Way faster and higher than any we/she had been on so that lead to a huge grin from ear to ear. I wish I would have brought my camera.
I did however bring my camera on Friday when we went to the Minnesota Zoo (I know two zoos in two days and if you include the Lake Superior Zoo, it's 3 zoos in 8 days, oh well, we have an animal lover on our hands). We met Brooke, one of my best friends from high school along with her new baby Annabelle! Brooke's cousin and her cousins daughter were also there. It was a great day! Still a little warm but more tolerable. We made it through most of the animals and Linnea even walked most of it! That was a new experience for me. She generally wants to ride! So we will have to figure out how to keep her on track a little better :) It was great to catch up with friends and see the new penguin exhibit. We hadn't been to the MN Zoo yet this summer so it was perfect. We are hoping to find a free pass at the library for Chris this fall and go ride the monorail to see the fall colors. We have a membership but just for me and Linnea this time. We didn't do a guest because we only used the guest twice last year. So it did get paid for, but barely.
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