Monday, April 30, 2012

Weekend Fun!

Linnea and I found a community center that was showing the movie Hop this past Friday night. Chris was working some OT again so Linnea and I had a mommy/daughter night. I picked her up from preschool and we headed straight to the community center which is also a library and we looked at books until it closed and then played at the playground until the movie started. She thought it was funny that we were watching an Easter movie when she knew Easter was over but oh well. We enjoyed it! We bought some popcorn and I had packed a small picnic dinner of PB sandwiches, apples and grapes for us to munch on with the popcorn. 
Saturday we had a family date to the MN Zoo. I really wanted to go see the baby farm animals before they weren't there anymore and this was the last weekend to do it. The weather was terrible but we braved the rain and wind anyways and I'd say it was worth it. It is hard sometimes to find time to do things just three of us but we always enjoy ourselves when we do. Yes we get to the park on weeknights and eat dinner together and watch some shows or play at home but it ends up being only for like 2 hours at a time if that. So when we have a whole day of no major plans we try to take advantage and do something fun, even if it means leaving the house a mess and the laundry piled high.

The otters were so cute and swimming all around!

checking out a worm!

 the most active we have EVER seen the grizzly bears! They loved the rainy weather more than us!

 Brrrrr! Frozen on our "wagon" ride out to the farm.


 a one week old piglet! sooo cute! Linnea liked the piglets but the HUGE pigs because they snorted at her and she thought they sounded like a monster.

Fun on the tractor!

A not so rainy ride back but still cold!

We have never seen the moose this close!

Linnea loves to "follow" the penguins!

Sunday I sadly didn't take a single picture. Chris worked some more OT in the morning so Linnea and my mom and I went to a kids consignment sale where I got Linnea some summer clothes, new puzzles and books. Linnea had fun looking around for herself and did so well! My mom found some clothes to keep at her house for her grandkids. We then headed to my parents church, played at the church playground afterwards and then had lunch at my parents. Linnea went down for a nap and I tried to get some stuff done around the house and went for a walk...there is still plenty to do but we made a dent.
The month of May is pretty busy most weekends so it was nice to not fill up every minute of this weekend.

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