Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Early Egg Hunt!

Thursday we took the morning easy for our final day of spring break as all 4 of us. Eventually the girls and I headed to Central Park in Roseville to go on a short walk, jump in some puddles and play at the playground.

From there we went to Goodwill to donate some things and shopped a little bit. We got home and had a quick lunch and then got Linnea down for her rest so the Easter bunny could come! He needed to come early since Chris wouldn't be around Sunday morning to be a part of the hunt at my parents house.

hunting for eggs is a blast!

The family basket and Linnea's basket. Harper got a book and stuffed duck...have to find the pic.

We had a wonderful time watching her find the eggs, opening them and then finding her basket. Linnea found Harper's for her. She even bought a shovel at Goodwill to dig for the eggs that were hidden outside. In our family basket the Bunny left a Tablet! We are excited to find fun games for Linnea to play, books for us to read and movies to watch on our trip to Michigan this summer.

I will have to get a picture of Harper's cute basket on here too! 

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