Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Summer Fun!

Well since I am way behind again and don't really know where to begin I'm doing an odds and ends post and then I will do a few posts devoted to events/activities with more pictures! We are having so much fun this summer and cannot believe its coming to an end :( Some of the things we have done which have been keeping me too busy to keep up with the blog (or housework for that matter) are:

Yoga in our living room...I set the girls up with a fort and coloring/play stuff. Linnea sometimes joins me during my Yoga DVD but then we do her own kid yoga that we found on Comcast On Demand.

We've been crafting and baking:

having picnics

we finally made it to the St. Paul Farmer's Market for breakfast, music and shopping

Yoga at the library

The last Discover Your Parks

Wading Pool Fun

A NPC swimming playdate

pic coming

$2 day at Como Pool date with Mommy

pic coming

Daddy and Linnea had a date to go see Monster's University while Mommy and Harper jogged/slept and then we all met for ice cream with some friends to meet their new baby. We like these "date" nights with our kids but are looking forward to our next one together too :)

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