Sunday, October 6, 2013

Aamodts Apple Orchard with NPC

We had our annual Apple Orchard trip with our wonderful NPC group. I LOVE that we have continued to getting together for the last almost 5 years. It is so fun to see the kids grow up and be able to connect with other mamas and some dads! We had a perfect day for Aamodt's Apple Farm. Daddy couldn't come because he called in to work so we are hoping the weather will cooperate in the next few weekends so we can go as a family and pick some apples. 
This trip we just did the other activities besides picking apples.

Harper actually was having fun :)
I'm convinced the kids think they are really driving these.
the part of our group that could make it :)


mack said...

well, you CERTAINLY have to Keep Blogging through the Holidays! nothing like going to the apple orchard. i LOVE that the Kids actually think they are driving the Train - such a fun caption. you're so funny. :-) love, mack

Alison said...

I totally agree with Mack! For those of us who don't get to see you often, it's great to hear what you're up to and see pictures!