Sunday, January 26, 2014


There is a movie out there called FROZEN. It is a perfect movie for this winter. We all feel like we are living in a deep freeze! It is also a perfect movie for Linnea. She LOVES it and I won't lie I really love it as well. So beautiful, funny and a great story about sisters! We went to see it with Dylan, Jake, Erik, Lisa,  and cousin Laura. My parents watched Harper so both Chris and I could go. It was a nice fun family activity to do since the day before, on Friday January 3rd grandma Thomas/GG had a stroke. My mom got there as quick as she could from work and Erik happened to be in the area so he went to the nursing home as well. My dad and I were skiing but dad went right there as soon as he got the message. I went to visit later that afternoon/evening. She looked very different and had lost the ability to talk, eat or drink but could recognize us and hold our hand. Saturday she woke up and looked more herself and could still recognize people, give a smile and a hand squeeze. So we decided to bring the kids. We debated because we wanted their memory of GG to be when she was awake and chatty and herself. I say the memory of her because we knew this would probably be their last time seeing her since hospice dealt with GG's stroke as an end of life situation. Some went to see her before Frozen and some went after. Linnea saw her after and she was sleeping peacefully. We all ate Chinese food afterwards at my parents house. That was a food grandma loved. More on our sweet GG and celebrating her life in the next post.

A video of Linnea performing some Frozen songs will also attempt to be posted :)

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