Saturday, July 19, 2014

Summer Days...

A few pics of what we have been up to since the 4th...summer is flying by!


Spending time in Bina's playhouse and pool after summer school some days...

Ice cream at T-Ball picture was cancelled due to rain.

all tuckered out and swinging very happily!

 We found the sock monster at our house! Linnea and I were sorting socks and Harper was taking one at a time and quickly running out of the living room and coming back empty handed. She did this a few times before I decided to investigate where exactly she was putting these. I remembered she has been throwing random things away....and sure enough we found some socks in the trash! silly girl!

 So much fun to bike to the park with just mom while Harper sleeps when daddy gets home from work. 

Linnea made a baby out of her lunch one day :)

 Summer School is done so we had some ice cream when she came home that day. Even before lunch!

Then we went to a magician and thank goodness our friends were there to be in the room with Linnea since Harper just wanted to go play in the play area of the library.

She was very adament about eating this yogurt with my spoon out of the container. 

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