Thursday, November 6, 2008

Halloween 2008

So....Lancey was a ladybug for Halloween...don't think she enjoyed it too much but I also don't think she hated it. The material was quite soft and she still lays on it, but she wants nothing to do with the hat!
For Halloween this year, Chuck came over and we carved pumpkins, handed out candy to sadly only 5 kids, played some rock band and then when our other friend Michele arrived we watched the original Halloween. Luckily I didn't get too scared and go into labor! We did have a Dr.'s appt as well and everything is still looking great! The Doc thought baby was still head down and will continue to grow a little bit but won't move quite as much since she is running out of space in my tummy. I however, have felt her almost more now than the rest of my pregnancy. It feels like she is pushing out, must be stretching that little body!

Hmmmm...I wonder who did this cool pumpkin?? Oh yes, my husband who is obsessed with Obama!!! In case you weren't is the sign that is on Obama shirts, advertisements, bumper stickers, etc. I think he did a great job!
On a side note....November 4th was a fantastic day for us...we are so excited for Obama and America! We celebrated with Papa John's pizza, Coors Light and an Odouls for me! Plenty of my kids at school were excited too and knew their parents were going to go vote...when asked if they knew what they were voting for some said, the president. Some knew Obama's name and when one girl heard Obama, she said, "oh, he is the guy everyone wants to win!" I thought that was cute!!

And here is mine...of course a happy one...not scary at all!

Here we are beginning to carve...yes I am wearing antlers. They weren't on very long though because they freaked Lancey out! Almost more than that ladybug costume! I guess I will just wear them during the holidays as Caribou instead!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

We just go with the Halloween bandanas for the dogs... Libby gets VERY upset when we try to dress her up- I think because she knows she looks silly. :)