Friday, November 28, 2008

The Nursery!

Here is baby's half of the room!!! She now has a changing table, a crib and an armoire! What a lucky lady! And as of last night we have decided our cute, beloved Lancey cannot go into the nursery. While I was reading in the rocking chair, she decided she would jump into the crib. She looked completely confused and shocked to be in such a place so I dont think she would do it again but we arent taking any chances of a cat "cuddling" with a baby so Lancey has to sleep outside of our room and baby's room. Luckily we have a door we can shut. She is not happy about it...there was quite a bit of meowing and scratching on the door last night. oh well. We will be with her the rest of the day.


Melissa Lynn Potts Long said...

I LOVE IT!!! Thanks for sharing!! I can't wait to meet her!

Keith Henjum said...

Amy, your goofy dad just posted a comment to your latest blog entry on the wrong date. So, I'll try again here.
WOW! You are less than two weeks from your due date! My God, time flies. We are anxious, we are excited, we are happy!
Your blog brings a tear to my eye...
It is a beautiful nursery! We are looking forward to seeing it... all the more reason to make cookies on Wednesday night!
Now let's go on a typical Henjum tangent. Have you seen the two bright stars next to the moon? They are Venus and Jupiter and they won't be this visible again for about 35 years. They'll still be quite visible when "Holly" is born. I don't know the significance of this but it is cool. So... do any of the Jupiter moons have any interesting names? What about Venus?
Love, Dad

Lisa said...

What a beautiful nursery, Amy! I keep thinking about you and am so excited for you and the rapidly-approaching arrival of your little one. Keep us posted!