Monday, January 25, 2010

Happy 30th Birthday to me...about a month late!

We had a fabulous time celebrating my 30th Birthday last weekend! Even though I am 30 I cannot figure out how to turn this picture the right way...its the right way before I upload it and it goes sideways on here. I tried a few times and cant get it, so you all get to view it sideways!

Chris and Linnea went and bought me this great Vikings 30th Ice Cream Birthday Cake! I loved it! They also did a nice job of decorating the house for me!
We went out to Buca Di Beppo's for a fun pasta dinner with the family before we had friends over for games, Beatles Rockband, Rockband 2 and drinks and catching up!

Linnea was very serious about the chocolate cake she had just finished!

And here she is ready to go...and she got to have a sleepover at grandma and grandpas again!I think they all had fun!

All the siblings and one nephew on my side were able to come which was very fun!

Then the singing and playing began! What a night! I couldn't have asked for more a fun birthday celebration. I also don't think I could not have asked for a better 30 years! I am very happy with everything I have done in my life and where I am right now.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Eagle's Nest

A few weekends ago we got together with my new parent group again. This time we ventured to a very fun indoor playground called the Eagle's Nest in New Brighton. What a cool place! It has a toddler area for our kiddoes but also a big playground for the older kids. It was great to see all the kids and moms, but especially fun to see the kids moving around and starting to play together! Most of the kids are crawling if not walking and then there are those who scoot like Linnea. She is not the only one!
Below she is in a "tree" with her lil friend Maryn.
Here she is close to walking! She absolutely loves cruising around on whatever she, the wall, people, whatever! Even her rocking chair! She is so close to taking those first steps. Chris and I have a very fun time practicing with her by sitting a few feet apart and seeing what she does when we let go of her hand. She has sort of walked between us but usually she falls into one of laps and cracks up. I will put a video up soon of that exciting event!
Here she is by a pretty fake flower with daddy.
I feel so lucky to be able to be home with her right now. It's fun to experience and help her with all of her new developments. Lots of my new mom friends are working moms and I will sooner than later have to become a working mom again because I cannot collect unemployment forever. I will definitely be leaning on them for support!
But for now I will keep going to our fun storytimes, music classes and making playdate with my other stay at home mom friends!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Getting Well, Playing and Pigtails

Here we are cuddling on the couch one morning watching a very weird cartoon called Pingu. She let me hold her for like 20 minutes and just watched. She definitely wasn't quite better yet! But after treating our baby for 10 days with medicine for pnuemonia she is all better! And daddy got to stay home for the week of 2010 to help.
She was well enough to check out the snow in her cute snowsuit....

And walk all around the house with us holding her hands or her "cruising" on the furniture or walking with her lion push walker...she is certainly going to skip crawling and be walking VERY soon!
She is also able to have pigtails but I need to buy some small hair binders for her! Mine just fall out! But arent those pigtails cute! Love them and love her!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Happy New Year

Well this the first post of 2010! So far my blogging in this new decade is not going so well!
The new year was rung in at my parents house with our family and some family friends. We played many rounds of Nertz/Squeak and Scrabble Slam after getting the kids to bed. As you can see above, Linnea decided she would wake up and be up for the ball drop! We celebrated with the New Yorkers so we could be home and in bed by midnight.

It was a great way to bring in what is already looking to be a great year! I have hopes of running the Stillwater Marathon in May which would make me 3 marathons away from my goal of 10 in my life! I am also planning on doing at least two ski races...the City of Lakes Loppet and the big Birkie! Both with my dad.
Chris, Linnea and I will also be taking a family trip to Cinncinatti for a good friends wedding, we will be welcoming some more babies to the family...we have pregnant cousins and my brother Erik and sister in law Lisa are expecting their second kiddo as well.
These are just a few of the many fun things we know will happen in 2010. We are excited to see what else it brings and wish you all a Happy New Year too!

Great Grandma and a VERY sleep Linnea! She still wasnt feeling 100% but was a trooper and let mommy and daddy celebrate New Year's Eve away from home anyways.

A Full Moon.