Monday, January 18, 2010

Getting Well, Playing and Pigtails

Here we are cuddling on the couch one morning watching a very weird cartoon called Pingu. She let me hold her for like 20 minutes and just watched. She definitely wasn't quite better yet! But after treating our baby for 10 days with medicine for pnuemonia she is all better! And daddy got to stay home for the week of 2010 to help.
She was well enough to check out the snow in her cute snowsuit....

And walk all around the house with us holding her hands or her "cruising" on the furniture or walking with her lion push walker...she is certainly going to skip crawling and be walking VERY soon!
She is also able to have pigtails but I need to buy some small hair binders for her! Mine just fall out! But arent those pigtails cute! Love them and love her!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Cute pigtails! Glad to hear that she is feeling better!