Anyways, since I still can't figure out why I can't write under the pictures anymore you get to view them all below again. The ones of Linnea not looking herself were taken when she had yet again another sinus infection :( We knew something was up when she wasn't sleeping well and pretty much could only sleep in our bed. so we brought her in, they gave us good old amox but we still got a call from daycare after her nap Thurs the 9th. Poor thing had a temp of 103.5. That is a not a fun call to get. I left right away to get her and found her just sitting sadly in the rocking chair with ice water. We went home and watched some Caillou and had popsicles and Motrin and the got rid of that fever. And Linnea had an extended weekend to get healthy! are some pictures of what you read about above, oh the ones of her in the cute Elmo sweatsuit were at our lovely neighborhood Choo Choo park. The sweatsuit was a hand me down from some family friends and boy does Linnea LOVE it!
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