Thursday, August 16, 2012

Caponi Art Park/Lorax

I have wanted to check out Caponi Art Park since last summer I think and finally made it there this summer. They have family fun every Tuesday morning and this Tuesday one of our fav kids bands, The Okee Dokee Brothers, was performing there so we packed ourselves a picnic lunch and headed to Eagan. It was a very fun and beautiful place! The band was great, we went on a nice hike and looked at many sculptures and then had our picnic. 

a "coconut" (actually an acorn, but she insists they are coconuts.

We headed home to grab some things, but then left right away to go to the Merriam Park Library where they were showing The Lorax for free. We hadn't seen that movie yet so we were looking forward to it. I liked it and Linnea seemed to like it but when I ask her if she did, she says, "um, not too much." But doesn't really say why. 

We visited her old daycare to get a cd of pictures and videos of her and also give them some zucchini bread. Boy the cd of pics and videos is cute! She had a good time seeing her old teacher and some of her friends who are still there. This is her old, old daycare where she was as a toddler so the kids who are still there are quite a bit younger and she maybe didn't remember or recognize them. She remembered teacher Karen though and is now saying she just wants to go back there this fall. Her other teacher, Jenny wasn't there so we will go another time to visit.

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