Monday, August 20, 2012

Getting stuff done!

Saturday we started out at the Central Library again where Snapdragon Seeds was playing. Another fun kid band...we hadn't seen it before but Linnea really liked it and did some dancing/jumping all by herself! We checked out a few things after the show and then headed home for lunch. 

After lunch we got to work on our canvas art! 

Mommy painting Linnea's hands for her butterflies.

Butterflies for Linnea's side made with her little handprints.
Lion and Elephant handprint art made with my hands which were painted by Linnea for the baby's side. There will be a giraffe as well but I had some trouble with that one. Who knew making a giraffe with your handprint could be so tricky. Thank goodness these canvas packs of 2 were buy one get one free and I had a 10% off coupon!

Chris was feeling better so he was super busy while we were gone and got some laundry in, some hung out to dry and got a coat of paint on baby's side! Linnea was very excited to see the paint she had helped pick out. The day continued with just getting random things done around the house...laundry, dishes, picking up, etc, that by the end of the day we decided we earned a movie night. L and I had bought Finding Nemo at a garage sale for a buck so we thought we'd give that a try. As expected I think L got a little scared at parts but overrall really liked it. It sure has some funny lines in it that I had forgot all about!

1 comment:

mack said...

we LOVE that elephant!!!!