Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Meyers Garage Sale Weekend

Chris' mom has had a huge garage sale as part of the 100 mile garage sale event the last few years. Yes a 100 mile garage sale :) I believe it is from Cottage Grove to Red Wing and back or something like that. Anyways...we are trying to declutter and downsize so we brought a bunch of odds and ends to try and sell. We did okay and sold some more at my parents garage sale the following weekend. We still have some things we will try and sell on facebook neighborhood pages and craigslist. Some of it is just too nice to just donate right away and plus we are trying to save money for a big to come on that soon :)

We drove there Thursday evening after I got home from work. We visited for a bit, set up our items and then got into jammies and hit the hay. Linnea helped set up her bed on the floor, Harper and I slept in Aunt Alli's bed and Daddy slept on one couch while Alli slept on the other. What nice auntie/sister to give up her bed :)

 I squeezed a run in Friday and Saturday and had this pretty view :)

We did some coloring inside since it was kinda chilly...

But we did get to the little neighborhood park for a little while too.

 Harper is obsessed with being outside. She threw many mini tantrums when it was time to go in and eat or warm up or go to the bathroom, etc. She would proceed to find our shoes or jackets and give them to us so we could bring her back outside.

 And then the girls decided to play in the car :)

We also walked down to buy some kettle corn...just a little bag ;)

We ended the evening with some ice cream in her Wild Shirt again :)

 And she slept in it but it didn't help the boys with this time.

It was a fun fun weekend with Chris' family. We didn't get to see Jenny and her daughters but we did see Aunt Sue since she and her girls were selling some things. 

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