Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas Day 2011

After opening our gifts Christmas morning we headed out to Bay City to celebrate Christmas with Chris's side of the family. We decided to get there before Linnea's nap and just lay her down there while waiting for Jenny and her family to arrive. Thankfully she slept great in Allison's bed once she finally fell asleep which took at least a half hour. We could hear her playing with her baby. Anyways....while she slept we helped get the food ready for the evening and also had time to watch National Lampoon's Christmas! When Jenny and family arrived the girls played with Ella's new train set, Peyton's princess barbies and Linnea's baby. We had a nice dinner shortly after that, took some family pictures by the tree and then opened more gifts! After gift opening we played some more, ate some more cookies and left around 8pm or so! A little later than we wanted since Chris had to work Monday but he survived.

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