Thursday, June 28, 2012

Strep :(

Well we had been thinking all week (before Father's Day) that Linnea was a little off...however she had no fever, preschool said she seemed fine but as parents we just knew her tummy bug from Tuesday wasn't completely gone. As you saw in a previous post she was home with me Monday when we went and played at a park. She was fine then, but woke up Tuesday morning with a tummy ache and ended up throwing up a few times. I didn't have to work so we just laid low at home with movies, shows, puzzles, books and napped. 
By Tuesday evening she seemed back to normal but did keep saying her teeth hurt. She also had her fingers in her mouth quite a bit and wasn't sleeping well at night, but other than that she seemed fine. I still kept her home Wed to have one more fun day with her and just to make sure she was better. We went to the Midtown Global Market on Lake Street in Minneapolis where I thought there was going to be a kids concert...however me and my preggo mind looked at the wrong date and it was actually a kid friendly cooking demonstration. Manny from Manny's Tortas made some breakfast burritos which were definitely delicious...even Linnea liked them! There was also a kids play area and plenty of fun things to look at. I ran into a friend I worked with a few years ago in Mpls and her daughter so we caught up a bit which was fun!
We got some sorbet before heading to Target to pick out Peyton and Ella's gift. It was a fun morning/day! SO since she seemed so good, we sent her to preschool Thursday and Friday. Saturday she went to her dance class and the twins' bday party as you read about already. 
Sunday we did our Father's Day celebrations but by the evening we just got the feeling again she wasn't 100%. So off to our fav priority peds we went...they checked her temp and ears and found nothing but then as soon as they looked in her mouth they noticed it was quite red. Initially the dr thought it was the dreaded hand, foot and mouth virus...but near the end. She did a strep test just to be sure, and sure enough that is what it was! YIKES! poor girl and poor everyone we had Linnea around. 
After going to three different Walgreens we found a pharmacy open and got our peanut her medicine. Even though Monday was my first day of summer school I stayed home with her and we had another day of relaxing. She felt well enough to paint some frames which will eventually have some updated family pictures in them! We hope after the 10 days of Amoxicillan she is better...she is still struggling with sleeping tho so we will see...

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