Saturday, September 15, 2012

Sunday School!

My mom called last Saturday night and asked if Linnea would want to try out Sunday School at their church since it was starting this past Sunday. I thought, sure! That would be fun for her and another way to make friends, be with a teacher, get some "school" skills done while she isn't in a set preschool while I am on maternity leave. 
Plus, my parents may sometimes just take her and then Chris and I can have some time with baby or I can have some time to go skiing/running and meet them at church afterwards. So we went and had a great time! My mom and I actually stuck with Linnea through class this time (its only about 45 minutes total. They start out in a group for some songs, then split into age groups and have craft time and then game time) I think she had a good time so we will go again!


We went to GG's afterwards for a McDonald's picnic and then to the park behind her nursing home to play. GG is wondering when I am going to "drop" the baby out! If only it was going to be that easy!

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