Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Happy Easter!

Easter Sunday was a very fun day for us! The beautiful weather helped for sure! We headed over to great grandma's to have our usual brunch food with mom's side. Linnea ended up being the only kid there so she was very busy eating, finding eggs,

and posing for pictures! She also asked where her cousins were, especially Ian. She asked Brian and Megan if Ian was coming. It was very cute.

After breakfast we went to church right at GG's assisted living place. Linnea sat on my lap for maybe 30 seconds but then was off to run the halls with daddy, play outside at the Estates but eventually ended up at the park by my parents house. After church we got some pics with GG and then mom, dad and myself headed over to my parents to meet Chris and Linnea and play with them for a while. We also took many family pictures since we dont get this girl in cute dresses very often!

Daddy said Linnea looked for eggs over and over again that the bunny hid in my parents yard.

Linnea took nap over there and ended up staying the night since Chris and I went to the Pixie's concert that night. It was a great concert!
We hope everyone had a very happy Easter!

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