Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sick Mommy

It is not too often I (Amy) get sick but boy did I get hit two Thursdays ago. I wasn't feeling great Wednesday but went to work thinking I was just overtired or something. I also really didn't want to miss Wed since we were going on a field trip to Orchestra Hall and I started Sign Language Wednesday night. I made it through all of those things but then Thursday morning came and my tummy really felt sick. So sick I didn't think I could bring Linnea to preschool. Luckily my dad came to the rescue and was able to swing by on his way to work and go out of his way to bring Linnea to preschool for me. Thankfully she was flexible enough to just go with the flow and not cry a bit. In fact, as she was leaving, she said, hope so you feel better mommy. What a sweetheart. After they left, I remained on the couch for an hour or so trying to watch some tv but then fell asleep there for a bit. Around 1 or so I made it back up to bed and stayed there until Friday morning. I felt too awful to read or watch tv. It was terrible. Again, my parents came to the rescue and took Linnea overnight since I didn't know how I would feel Friday morning. Chris was so nice to bring squirt out there Thursday after supper. By Friday night I felt much better. Chris bought me plenty of tummy soothing teas and I was able to eat and keep down saltines, toast and apple sauce. I hope I do not get that sick again anytime soon. NO FUN!

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