Thursday, February 13, 2014

More COLD days!

SO with this extremely cold winter we are having we have had a total of 5 COLD days. Not snow days home from school but COLD. 40 below with windchill is not safe for anyone to be going to work, especially kids who walk or wait at a bus stop for a bus that likely will be late or break down. Anyways...we got to be quite creative with our activities and had so much fun...

Harper has developed a LOVE for graham crackers over these days :)

She also continues to be a nightowl and a risk taker....

 But she eventually does fall asleep...still in our bed but we manage. I never thought I'd be a co-sleeper but it has happened...

One of our too cold to go to school days was a butterfly theme:

 After rest/nap time on a different cold day we made sand and tried to imagine being on a warm beach...even though they were both still in their sleepers :)

The "moon" sand was extremely easy to make and definitely a hit...all we used was I think 8 cups of flour and I think a cup or two of vegetable oil. The recipe called for baby oil but we don't have that...vegetable oil seemed to work fine :) 

We had cat day before the sand: 

 After reading a cat book, watching some cats on You Tube, building the word Cat with playdough and writing Cat and the letter C we had a Cat lunch :)

The night before our cold day off we played with spin art! So fun!

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