Wednesday, September 23, 2009

9 Months Old!

Guess what?? I turned 9 months old on Monday!

As you can see below I don't like to sit for very long...I'm not crawling yet but I sure love to stand and reach for things with help from mom and dad or the coffee table.

I'm getting very good and grabbing my food with my pointer finger and thumb and putting it in my mouth. Mom and Dad get very excited about this and put their hands together and make a very fun sound. Someday maybe I will do that and get another fun reaction from my goofy parents.

I really love BREAD! Must get that from mommy and the dislike of cheese is from Daddy!

I also sometimes just lay and look up at my mobile and throw some happy screams in here and there. I am talking a lot more now. I quietly listened to my cousin Dylan at the Twins Game and went home and decided I could make sounds too! My parents get excited about that too. And the people at the grocery store enjoyed it too. I also try to wave by putting my fist out...some say I am being super Linnea, but really I am waving. Mom says so. I wonder what my tenth month of life will bring...I may crawl, I may not! I also think my parents are hoping I sleep through night on a regular basis. It's just so hard!

Happy 9 Month Birthday Linnea! We love you!

p.s. mom says my appt is next week so my stats will be up then!


Anonymous said...

You are all of a sudden getting to be a big girl and trying all sorts of new things. Sitting so nice and playing, eating more foods talking, and then there is the sleeping schedule. Reach for the stars Linnea!!

Anonymous said...

That previous comment was from grandma barb. Linnea is getting stronger! Hope sleep training boot camp works out and Linnea graduates to easy sleeping.
love, grandpa keith