Wednesday, October 19, 2011

A pumpkin with a few infections...

SO when we went to the doctor on Friday after trying to leave for our family trip we figured L had a sinus infection and were disappointed when the doc didn't find anything. They did say to come back if her condition doesn't improve in 2-3 days. So I took Monday off and brought her back in since her cold/cough wasn't getting any better. Turns out our thought was confirmed. She indeed did have a sinus infection and an ear infection! I am so glad I stayed home with her Monday and got that figured out. With Chris and I's 6 day trip to AZ coming up tomorrow we want her as well as possible for her stay with her grandparents. I am home with her again today (Wednesday) since she did not sleep well and said she didn't feel good when she woke up. Hopefully this day of rest full of movies and books will be just what she needs to get better.

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