Monday, August 12, 2013

Piggie and Elephant Party

If you have kids or even if you don't you should check out the Piggie and Elephant books. They are so so so funny and cute and all the kids I know get a good giggle out of them. The facial expressions on the animals and simple, short plot lines are perfect. So perfect that the Woodbury Library decided to have a Piggie and Elephant party...maybe a certain 4 year old will have a Piggie and Elephant 5 year old bday party...we will see. I have to first plan the almost ONE year olds :) are a couple pics from the party:

Linnea balancing a nest on her head for one of the games. "There is a Bird on Your Head" was the story read so one game was based on that. They also played, "Piggie, Piggie, Elephant" instead of "Duck, Duck, Grey Duck."

craft time with our friend Josie.

And here you have the stars of the books Piggie and Elephant!

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