Monday, May 5, 2014

Monday with the Linneas!

Well I am terribly behind again...the Monday after Easter I took the day off since Linnea's school was closed. We had the "other" neighborhood Linnea over as well since she now goes to Linnea's preschool and both her parents are working now.  We had a great time. It was so great to see them play together. We started out with another egg hunt, then the girls played dress up which somehow lead to them wanting alone time and they worked on cleaning Linnea's room. We also had lunch, did some painting, watched Linnea's new Tinkerbell movie Pirate Fairy and played outside. 

Pirate Fariry on bean bags with popcorn and a little Easter candy and Harper of course had a toothbrush...her toy of choice that week :)
She just couldn't keep up with the big girls the whole day.
I feel like there are a lot of pics of this one sleeping on the blog...I just think she is so sweet and cute when asleep and shes hard to get to the sleeping point so I need pictures to remind me she does actually sleep!

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