Monday, April 20, 2015

Mom's Bday Lunch and Bay City

We celebrated my mom's birthday on Good Friday (which happened to be her actual bday this year) on her extended lunch break at a yummy Mexican restaurant in Hudson where she works. 

Erik and Lisa and their boys were able to come too!
Dylan and Jake made some very nice picture cards for her, Linnea did the same and Harper made a very sparkly piece of art for her. Linnea and Harper picked out a garden fairy for her when we went to the flower show. We also have a matching one :) Chris and I gave her a Christmas beverage jug with a spout to pour holiday drinks out of. It is the same design as their other Christmas dishes :)

 From the celebration we headed to Bay City to have a sleepover at grandma Sarah's and Papa Dave's and celebrate Easter a day early with them. 

 After dropping our things off at Dave and Sarah's and getting the twins from Jenny we headed out to see Allison and Devin's new place! Yep! Allison and Devin have bought a home together! It is a very unique cute house in Red Wing. it even has a swingset for the girls to play on. We also met their sweet puppy that kind of looks like a bear cub. His name in Thorin and you will see pictures of him in the Easter blog :)

 After stuffing ourselves at Randy's in Red Wing we went back to gma Sarah and Papa Dave's for the second ever cousin sleepover! With Chris and Amy this time too :) This summer Jenny, Naomi and Allison were there with the girls. We watched Home Alone of all movies! It was fun to see it again since I dont think I watched it this past Christmas. 

Harper didnt make it for the whole movie. She kept almost falling asleep by people but then would move onto someone else. Eventually Chris brought her into Allison's old bedroom where we would be sleeping and she was asleep within minutes and he was able to come back out. The big girls had fun with their floor slumber party :) They couldnt go to sleep right after Home Alone so grandma put The Gruffalo and The Gruffalo's Child on. They are sweet books that have been made into short movies/shows. That relaxed all three into dreamland and everyone slept until morning :)

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