Sunday, September 14, 2008

September Days

This picture was taken August 31st about 25 and a half weeks along and right after a fun trip to the State Fair! Chris and I went with a few of our friends and enjoyed people watching, eating the usual treats on a stick and a few new things as well! Chris, just like Brian, cannot go to the State Fair without having a turkey sandwich and I cannot go without enjoying the Australian Potatoes! We also shared a raspberry malt and cheese curds. The group sampled the chocolate covered bacon which was interesting..probably wouldn't get it again and I had some fried fruit on a stick which was delicious! I will be getting that was like fruit wrapped in a funnel cake and I proceeded to sprinkle some powdered sugar on drizzle chocolate sauce on it! YUM!!!
It seems like a long time we went to the Fair because so much has been going on since then! My job as an Associate Educator in three different kindergarten rooms (basically a teachers aide) has begun and I LOVE it! The teachers I work with are great and so far we have three classes full of students excited to learn and be at school!! We were worried about tears and teasing but so far we have a very good group!
I took my gestational diabetes test and passed!! YAY!! I got a lot of reading done in that hour I waited for the results after drinking the orange crush tasting beverage. The doctor said everything is continuing to progress as it should and that I will be growing at least a centimeter a week until the end! WOW! But I am okay with that since it has taken quite a while for this bump to pop out anyways!
Along with school, September has brought two of my friends Bachelorette's Parties and a bridal shower for one as well. For one party we headed to uptown to some of our favorite restaurants/bars where baby and I enjoyed our lemonades and waters! Last night was my other friends party and she happens to be pregnant as well! Six of us (including her nephew) went on a lovely dinner cruise down the Mississippi River starting out of Stillwater. We had a blast!! It was a little rainy so we spent most of our time inside but did venture to the roof when there was a rain lull.
Our next two weekends of September are also weekend one of Chris' cousins is getting married so we will head to Red Wing for her special day and the following weekend is my 10 year high school reunion! I have been helping plan this event since last October so we will be attending that as well! We have also been busy watching football and making decisions about our baby girl's nursery.

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