Saturday, December 13, 2008

Hmmmm...when will she come??

Well, its Saturday night. Almost 3 days after due date and still no baby! I think I am feeling the beginning signs of contractions though so we are hoping for a trip to the hospital by morning. We have tried everything we have heard to move labor along...I've walked, I've sat on the birthing ball, moved back and forth on the ball, had the dr strip my membranes to 3cm dilated (still just 1cm at resting though), I've eaten all the spicy food I want to, cooked food that involved lots of thought, drank red raspberry tea, I've taken baths and I have rested when my body has told me to rest. I've done many things to keep my mind off of wondering when everything will begin such as scrapbooking, wrapping all our gifts, doing the dishes, reading and watching favorite Christmas movies. We drove around town on Friday doing Christmas shopping which involved getting in and out of the car, going over some bumps and walking around the stores, but still no baby! Come out, come out, come out! Please send some good birthing vibes our way or any suggestions on how to get things moving! I know in the long run, it is up to my body and the baby as to her arrival but we are so ready now!

The doctor didn't think we would make it much past this weekend but just in case we did make an appt to have another ultrasound on Thursday to see how baby and I are doing. And set a tentative induction date of December 20th, that way we will more than likely be out of the hospital with baby by the 24th. I really don't want to be induced though!

Thank you everyone who has helped with this wonderful pregnancy! Hopefully the next blog will be us with our baby girl in our arms! YAY!


Brooke said...

you are hilarious! hope baby girl Meyers has arrived by now!

Lisa said...

Come out, come out little Gertrude! I thought for sure the full moon would have been the trick... I guess she didn't want to be a moon baby with her cousin. At least you have an end date- you won't be pregnant forever! Hang in there.