Sunday, December 7, 2008

Well as grandma has been calling is my watermelon! We are 39 weeks along in this picture and doctor says we are still right on track for a December 11th baby as far as she can tell. I am softening up and my body is getting ready to have this little girl! YAY!!! We are so excited. The time has gone by so quickly and I have really lucked out and had a comfortable pregnancy. But nonetheless we cannot wait to have the baby in our arms and it seems kind of unreal that it could happen by the end of this week. By the end of this week we could be holding our daughter!! YAY! We know our lives will change but we are as ready as we can be.

In the meantime we are keeping ourselves busy doing other things and just letting nature take its course. My parents came over Wednesday and we made some Christmas cookies. I worked my last shift at Caribou on Friday ( I will probably go back to work there in 6 weeks but I can have 6 weeks totally off). Saturday morning Brian, Dad, Chris and I went to cut our Christmas tree down. We got a good one and picked it out quickly since it was FREEZING! I will post pictures later when it is done being decorated. After getting a good start of decorating throughout the day on Saturday we decided to go pick up some last minute things at Target Saturday night, followed by dinner at home while watching Iron Man.

As you may have read on my husbands blog, we are having a viewing party of the Dark Knight on Tuesday provided I am not in labor! Today we will watch the Vikes, do some baking, gift wrapping and have some spicy Buffalo Wild Wings to see if we can't get things with baby started. We are definitely letting nature take its course like I said above, but we don't see anything wrong with attempting to move it along with some spice!


Reghann and Chris said...

amy! your baby bump is sooo cute! you're so lucky to have a little christmas blessing to come!

Lisa said...

Spice worked for me! (although I was a day overdue- but it can't hurt to try!)