Monday, November 8, 2010

Garth and Kari's Wedding

This past Saturday we went to one of Chris' fraternity brothers weddings. It was very fun to see most of his "brothers" again since we rarely get to see them other than on facebook.
It was most of their first times meeting Linnea too so that was exciting!
Here are Garth and Kari!

And these three darlings below are all siblings and children of our childbirth teacher/friend! They are so precious and Linnea even got to dance with the ring bearer!

Linnea was busier than usual Saturday evening so this is the only somewhat decent picture we got of us two and we got zero of the three of us and no decent ones of daddy and daughter! oops!

She really loved that the appetizers consisted of fruit and that there was also a candy bar. She quite possibly consumed an entire pack of m & m's! Somehow she got a hot tamale in her mouth and that did not go over well.

She of course loved dancing!

But was quite ready to go around 8:30 so home we went.

Before the wedding I took Linnea to the Red Balloon Bookshop to listen to one of our favorite baby/toddler storytellers. It was a blast and I can't wait to have this Friday off and take her to another storytime! We were hoping to get to jammy storytime at 6:30 tonight at a new to us library but had to go to Target first for coffee and diapers and a variety of other things and didnt get out of there until 7 so no time. It is hard to squeeze everything in as a working mama! We will get the hang of it soon enough though. Linnea seems to have the hang of the daycare! We had a Monday morning of no tears! Still not a wave goodbye in daycare, she does it when I take her out of the carseat. When I leave her inside she just walks to her spot at the table for breakfast. I love that so far we dont need to leave until 8:20ish so we have some time to play and snuggle and watch Curious George. I'm hoping she will continue to sleep til 7:30ish and I can get my butt out of bed some days and do a workout video around 6am after Chris leaves. Sounds terrible but working out is very important to me and I don't know when else I can get it in! Hopefully I can do it some afternoons too!

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