Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Plague Hit Us All!

Sooooo we had quite the week! Chris and I only went to work 2 the remaining 3 days were not spent on a vacation or just laying around relaxing. They were however spent laying around, running to the bathroom and cleaning up Linnea and her crib. Yep. We can now say we have experienced a puking toddler. And it is terrible. The worst. Sunday night we went to bed after making lefse feeling fine. Linnea still had what we thought was a three week cold, but other than that we thought we were okay. Around midnight Linnea cried and we were just going to let her cry for a few minutes because that is usually what happens between 11 and 12 every night. She cries for a few minutes and then gets over it without needing help. Well the cries turned into screams and then coughing and then we heard her puking. Poor thing! So we got her changed, bathed and let her curl up with us and we made it until morning without anymore episodes.
But when she awoke she had another one. So we changed her and cleaned her up again. We headed downstairs to relax on the couch with a movie. Chris and I both took the day off thinking that would be easiest on all of us. After some water and saltines Linnea threw up again. We decided to head into the doctor. We went to a different one than our usual since they dont take walk ins and Chris had just been there on Wed and they thought she was fine.
We were happy with where we went because the doctor confirmed what we thought all along. Linnea has another sinus infection. She had one Memorial Day Weekend and was prescribed Amoxicillan which helped very quickly! And the same thing happened this time. We gave her her dosage and then she slept for three hours! She wasnt 100% when she woke up but she was getting better.
So Monday night came, and I finally got to take a shower and as I was getting out I thought, hmmmm, I'm not feeling quite right so I quickly got into to bed thinking I was just overtired. Well about an hour later that was not the case. I definitely was sick. Stomach flu! Then about an hour or so later Chris got sick. Same thing. Thank goodness my mom has Tuesdays off and she was able to come help with Linnea. We didnt want to send her back to daycare quite yet so she got to cuddle with grandma.
We made it through Tuesday (barely) and Linnea went to daycare Wed and I went to work. Chris was still on his deathbed so he stayed home Wed. Wednesday night Linnea puked in the night again so Thursday I was home but Chris made it to work. By the evening she was back to her happy self so Friday everyone was back to work and daycare.
As much as I enjoy cuddling with Linnea and watching all her kid shows and movies, Id rather have her feeling well and playing! Let's hope we dont have a repeat of this week anytime soon or ever at all would be nice, but I doubt that will happen! And thank you Amoxicillan and second opinion doctor for curing Linnea! She seems to be recovered and so do we! hooray!

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