Monday, November 15, 2010


It snowed! It snowed! It snowed!
If Linnea could express her feelings in words, I'm sure that's what she would have said Saturday morning.
Here is someone who is looking an awful lot like Randy from a Christmas Story. We really need to get her updated winter clothes. She will be 2 soon and this is a 12 month snowsuit! Oh well. It worked for the 10 minutes we lasted outside.

All ready to go! Snowsuit on over jammies with cute new boots from grandma!

Linnea just grinned when she looked out the window and loved looking up at the flakes falling down.

she may like snow as much as her mommy!

It's a little difficult to walk in though.

And hard to get up and not fun when heavy snow falls on your head from a tree. That happened and then it was time to go in.
Poor thing has also been struggling with a cold for three weeks, so being outside wasn't the most fun thing for her. More on that later...

We must have got around 6 inches here in St. Paul but I know some of the suburbs got dumped on with at least a foot! It sure is beautiful and I can't wait to ski in it! This stuff was the wet, heavy snow so no good for skate style cross country skiing.
But warm enough to play in and build a snowman or go for a pleasant run!

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Looks like lots of fun, Amy! I love Linnea's new bang look too - very cute!! Sorry to hear she's been sick. Hope she feels much better soon now that the antibiotics are started!! Let's definitely play again soon. Let me know when you're free!