Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Snow Day!

After a week of being above 30degrees and going on walks and skiing through slush, blizzard/snowstorm number two hit us this past weekend. Some places had 20inches of snow!! Whoa! I thought it was beautiful and was happy to see more snow come down! It is only mid February after all and there is more skiing and sledding to be done!

Linnea and I had a wonderful day together! Most of the snow came Sunday night into Monday which was Presidents Day so I had it off from work anyways. Some of my days off I still bring Linnea to daycare to get some stuff done and take time for me, however with this snow I decided to stay off the roads.

We watched the snow fall...

watched some cartoons, did plenty of crafts including this drum and a little shaker...

took pictures of the snowed in car

and brought some snow in to play with.

we used food coloring just for fun and made a mini frosty the snowman including the tip of a baby carrot for the nose. Linnea does not call carrots carrots however. She calls the frosty's nose :) I think she thought we were going outside to play with snow because when I asked her if she wanted to play with the snow she said, "I'll be back" (which is her newest saying)and ran for her shoes and hat and insisted on leaving them for the whole activity.

She gave herself some rides on Roary and she gave her monkey some rides. And we stayed in our jammies most of the day too!

Above is the side of our house! Very deep!

We did get outside after supper when we helped daddy brush the snow off the car. You can sort of see Linnea's snow angel above and you can really see her smile below.

She takes after her mommy and is one happy camper in the snow!

We brought some measuring cups and spoons out and she dug around for a bit. She cannot walk in it since it is over her head! What a winter we are having! We are off to the Birkie ski race this weekend. My dad is doing the full 53K skate and we hope to cheer him on at the finish line! Go dad/grandpa!

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