Monday, April 4, 2011

Back to the Park!

We have finally had quite a few sunny, nice days to get out to the park by our house and go on many, many, many, walks after work/daycare. Linnea still loves riding in the jogger so that makes me happy. I haven't actually gone on a run with her in it yet...just walks. She weighs a little more and I'm a bit more out of shape than I'd like to be, but I will do it one of these days. She has been content to ride for a half hour so if I can run with her in it for 30 minutes I will be happy. Ideally we can end at this park about 4 blocks from our house. That way she can look forward to it the whole run and I can cool down while we stroll home after playing!

Above Linnea is playing in the train structure they have and below she is watching a real "choo choo" go by. It is kind of hard to see in this picture but there really is a train back there and she is staring at it and saying hi.

Her whole face lights up when the train comes. And it comes by quite frequently. We see it just about every time we walk to Como Lake or go to the park.


Chris said...

It is awesome having a park so close.

Anonymous said...

I think it is cool that she likes the train. Maybe you should play the "City of New Orleans" along with "Hobo's Lullaby" sung by Arlo Guthrie. You know I'm old enough to have both of those on vinyl... Love, Grandpa Keith