Monday, April 25, 2011

Mommy and Linnea Night!

Chris decided to work his old 2:30 to 10:30 shift on Friday night so he would get some triple time at a higher hourly rate since Good Friday is a holiday for FilmTec employees.
This meant Linnea and Mommy got to have some fun together for the whole evening! Just the two of us. I couldn't find anything super fun going on and it was raining so we tried going to the indoor "park" at Rosedale Mall. I say "park" because it really isn't much of one. No swings and oddly enough there are no steps to get up slides which really frustrates a toddler. Linnea has had fun there before but Friday it was a bit crowded and she kept getting frustrated so we lasted about 30 minutes and then decided it was time for a movie night with a picnic on the floor of chicken nuggets, french fries homemade smoothies! On a side note, we tried going to an outdoor park but it was just too wet. This girl is obsessed with parks and the only way I could convince it wasn't a good idea to play at an outdoor park in the rain was to physically get out of the car and bring her to the wet park. Then she sort of understood, but still screamed when we got back in the car. Oh well. I should have driven the extra 10 minutes to a better one but didn't want to spend so much money just to stay for a 30 min to an hour.
Anyways...once we got the movie going and food in our bellies we both cheered up!

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