Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Fun with Katie, Isabelle and Paul

This past weekend Chris and Chuck decided to do some handyman work in our house and create two closets out of one. There will be a post just for that one of these with pics so it makes more sense, but for now, know they were doing that which would create LOTS of dust and possible lead since our house in 100+ years old. Because of those reasons Linnea and I headed to my parents mid morning on Saturday until right before dinner on Sunday. On Saturday night my parents went to their friends house to have their monthly game night (which by the way, I hope Chris and I and our friends can do someday. I think its so great my parents do this!) anyways, since they were gone Linnea and I headed to my friend Katie's house to visit her, her hubby and their daughter who is just 2 months younger than Linnea. We had a BLAST! They have a HUGE yard and the little ladies played so well together, screamed in a happy way, giggled, swang in a hammock, had popsicles and chased each other around the house after their bath. It got a lil late for both girls but no one got crabby and we cant wait for the next time! Thank you Katie and Paul for being such great hosts and making us dinner and letting us play with your toys! See you again soon!

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