Friday, March 2, 2012

MN Zoo Date

The weekend of Feb 17-20th was a great one! It was a 4 day weekend for me! I decided to take Linnea to preschool Friday morning and have an Amy day, which doesn't happen too often. I ventured over to Theodore Wirth Park and skied a few times around on their 3K loop. It was fun fun fun! Then I stopped home for a shower and quick lunch before I got my haircut. Then I had some shopping to do...Linnea is outgrowing some of her shirts and we have still been on the hunt for tap and ballet shoes for her dance class. Well Once Upon a Child was on my side! I was able to find her tap shoes, a second leotard with a tutu attached and a few cheap new looking long sleeved tops. I headed to Old Navy next to return some clothes I had got from Christmas and ended up with a gift card with a fair amount to spend! So I got some new jammies, jeans and a shirt for me a dress for Linnea. I can't remember what we did Sat and Sunday but I am sure it involved Linnea's dance class, grocery shopping, watching shows, reading, doing puzzles, walking or running and just having fun.
Monday I kept Linnea out of preschool so we could head to the zoo for a mommy and Linnea day of fun. It was super busy in the Tropics area since it was a beach party with a HUGE sandbox and bucket giveaway. It was so busy that L had no interest trying to squeeze in the sandbox to play and they had run out of buckets by the time we got there. We didn't even get there that late so that was a little frustrating but we still had a blast! We maneuvered our way through the Tropics trail and then did the MN trail which was much less crowded. Linnea enjoyed finding the "stamps" for each animal and seeing what the active animals were up to. We had a little indoor picnic and then headed to the new "bee" playroom. It was cute but someone was getting super tired so we didn't stay in there very long before heading to Discovery Bay to check out the sharks and other sealife quick and then out to the car. Again I wish I had more days and time to do things like this with our lil girl!

She loved the lynx! It was running back and forth and before I knew it Linnea had joined in the fun of pacing right along with it.
The Tropics Party may have run out of buckets and space in the sandbox but there were still coloring sheets and sandart to be done so we spent some time doing that.
My little bee.
our picnic!
Walking through a wolf "den" on the MN Trail.

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