Wednesday, March 24, 2010

She Walks!

Our lil Linnea has been walking confidently and fairly steady for about two weeks now but we haven't captured a good video of it on our camera until now! Chris has quite few on his phone but we haven't put those on the computer yet.
This one still isn't wonderful but you can see our toddler in action that's for sure!

We had our 15 month appointment today and to my surprise Linnea only really screamed during the shots! We have had many less than fun experiences with doctors in her short life so far so usually she is crying from the moment the nurse weighs her and listens to her heart and takes her temp throughout almost the whole appointment. So I was so happy when Linnea was a big brave girl and let the doctor listen to her breathing and check her body out without many tears! It was a good appointment! Dr says she is right on track and we should get ready to hear an explosion of words anytime now! Cant wait! Linnea weighs 21 lbs and is 29 in long I think. Those stats put her in the 25th percentile for both height and weight. YAY Linnea April!

1 comment:

Gregg and Jenica Jones said...

Ohmygoodness! What a busy little bee she is going to be now that she's walking all over the place! In just that 36 second video, she was everywhere! She's beautiful and healthy! Glad to hear you got great feedback from the doc and that she's keeping you very busy! ;-)