Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Playing, the Zoo, 5 months old and shopping!

We had a fun and somewhat low key President's Day Weekend...

Saturday morning was a fun New Parent Connection Valentines Day Party where I took zero pictures. That was followed by a ski with my dad at Lake Elmo while the girls stayed with my mom. My aunt and uncle came to snowshoe too. It was a great day for a ski and so fun to check out new trails! We probably would have stayed and invited ourselves for dinner with my parents but I had a new recipe in the crockpot...I LOVE crockpot cooking and trying out new recipes. This was Cinnamon Chicken, sounds weird but it was delicious over rice and Linnea even ate some!

Sunday morning we just hung out around the house and played...Linnea worked on some legos, 

and a "new" foam floor mat which became jumping grounds for her and later in the day, she put on a performance which I will try to get on here soon :)

Sunday afternoon we met Brian, Megan, Ian and Kaylan at the Como Zoo. Harper was all smiled in the stroller...she must have been ready for some fresh air!

Linnea also enjoyed the fresh air and seeing her cousin and aunt and uncle. 

Monday I went for another ski and then we had a family lunch date at Chipotle before meeting Chris' mom and sister at Woodbury Lakes for some shopping and catching up. Linnea got totally spoiled while shopping...I had planned on getting some clearance pants for her at The Gap and Children's Place since I knew they were having sales and I had a coupon, but along with those pants, grandma also bought her some cute tights, an Easter/spring shirt, these cool shades and case for them and we got ice cream! Harper also got some cute socks and a purple winter hat that looks like a kitty. I will get a picture of that soon :)

Harper turned 5 months already! I do NOT know where the time is going and I do NOT like that it is going so fast. She still seems like she was just born! She is a giggle machine, likes to sleep with mommy and daddy, smile at her big sis all the time. she gets excited and flaps her arms when she sees someone she recognizes or hears music she recognizes, she helps daddy at home and with errands Mon thru Thurs and tags along with mommy and Linnea on our weekend adventures. Her reflux seems to be getting better and her hair has definitely stayed :) She has found her voice and is not afraid to use it. It is sometimes hard to tell if she is shrieking in joy or if she is crying. 

She's definitely bigger than that pig now!

We absolutely love having her around!

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