Monday, March 17, 2014

Farewell to Friends Part 2

We decided to have Susana and family over one more time before they left, especially since Harper could not make it to the first farewell party. So here is farewell party number 2...I made some rigatoni and bread and Susana brought salad. We decided to have dinner with a movie, and that movie was of course Frozen :) Chris was able to buy it through our XBOX One before you can get it on dvd. Susana's family had not seen it yet but Linnea played the music for Susana and talked about it just about every morning before we left for the day so we thought it would be fitting to watch it with them. Everyone loved it, we exchanged a few more gifts and then we had a teary goodbye but promised to keep in touch with FB, letters and we will try skyping :)

Mugs made by me...we each get from MN to Spain :) 

balloons are so much fun to play with :)

all set for the movie...


more love.

a movie we will love forever.

I think Chris has a group picture I will try to remember to get on here.

1 comment:

mack said...

sorry you're going to miss your friends. :-( ....but yet another reason to head over this way, right?