Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Welcome Summer!

This was a fun way to start summer vacation...
everyone sleeping in until they woke up on their own. 
It was always so hard to wake them for daycare and preschool. 

Once they awoke we did leave the house...
I/We wanted to take advantage of the library morning events because Linnea is going to summer school Monday through Friday mornings for 5 weeks. 

The first event was the Schiffely Puppets which she LOVES and it just happened to be the story of Rapunzel which she also LOVES! Harper was not as into it and I spent a lot of time chasing her back and forth and bringing her in to catch bits of pieces of. Harper is waaay more active than Miss Linnea ever was. Thank goodness we did run into friends there so Linnea sat with a buddy who also cracks up at the puppets. After the show Linnea spent at least an hour coloring with some nice girls' gel pens. We will have to pick some of those up :)

The next day we had a picnic and playtime at a favorite park with our neighborhood friends. I actually thought there was going to be a puppet wagon show but they didn't start quite yet. We still had a great time though :)

 That afternoon we went to see Ten Penny Tunes (another library event) and the girls had a great time dancing around in the big room. This was at a church since the Highland Library is under construction.
And there were about 6 other kids there but only Linnea was up dancing at this point :)

We caught Linnea's favorite Bill the Juggler at the Hamline Midway Library and her preschool was there too so she loved watching with some of her friends :)

 And lastly on Friday I signed Linnea up for a folk tale storytelling class put on for free from the Stepping Stone Theater. Harper and I spent some of the time out in the play area and Linnea enjoyed her big girl time. Harper is in the picture below however checking up on big sis.

The girls really enjoyed playing with these beads...it was fun to see them having a blast but not so fun picking the beads up. Harper liked dumping them on the floor versus keeping them in the tote...
and above to the right you cant really tell in the picture but Harper made a huge mess with gogurt on the floor and wall and was rubbing it around in both places. 
Harper now only eats gogurt out of a bowl.

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