Sunday, August 15, 2010

Toddler Tuesday!

HOT HOT HOT!!!! This was one of the hottest weeks this summer! SO humid and just gross. I dont remember New Orleans even being this disgusting. Anyways the weather allowed for Linnea and I to discover some very fun inside activities! But we made sure to wear our shades in the car still!

We went to Toddler Tuesdays at the Mall of America with a few of our friends.
You cant tell in this picture, but one of the friends we saw was Dora! Im not sure if Linnea truly recognized her but she was waving and having a great time nonetheless.
We also went on her first ride beyond the merry go round. It was called Blues Skiddos and I think she loved it! Daddy introduced her to the show Blue's Clues so when we saw this ride we couldnt pass it up! I am excited to take her on some kiddie rides at the State Fair this year!
One of the other indoor things we did this week was check out the new Roseville Library. It is pretty cool! VERY modern and a huge kids play/reading area and tons of childrens book. We were entertained there for a good hour if not longer! Wahoo!
Wednesday we did our usual routine of The Little Gym where Linnea got to spin around a "monkey" bar of course with help from the teacher! Her grin after the sommersaults and flips she does there light up the room. She is a happy girl at the gym!
We then brought Arby's for lunch over to great grandma.

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