Monday, August 2, 2010

New things!

Linnea has discovered and we have given her quite a few new things lately:

Above is a picture of one of Linnea's newest things. The meltdown. Now I have worked with kids a LOT. I have seen many forms of temper tantrums and meltdowns. But I have never seen one like Linnea's. I know they are all normal and hers will probably change, but for now she basically does it in slow motion. She slowly gets downs to her knees with a VERY disgruntled look on her face and then eventually ends up laying like this or on her tummy. For now we just ignore (unless we are taking a picture) and try not to laugh and she eventually stands up and carries on being her happy self.

She has also learned to eat at the table! We have moved the high chair downstairs and she now eats on her booster seat with us right at the table. She has done pretty good. As soon as she begins to tip that plate over I take it away for a break or decide we are done. So far so good! Good job lil lady!

She loves stickers and coloring and making cards for people! I think she gets the craftiness from me...

I found this kitchen way back at the Woodbury Lions Club garage sale in May! Sadly we didnt have a space ready for it and it was full of water so needed some serious cleaning. Grandpa so nicely cleaned it up for us and delivered it to our house this week so we have been busy working/playing in the kitchen. Im on the lookout for toy food and dishes for it still though! Linnea is so cute playing in it. She hides things in the oven and then acts super surprised when she opens the door and the item is still there...item being a book, a stuffed animal, a toy car...hopefully she never really puts these in a real oven. She also loves to "wash" her hands in the sink and make tea for us and then drink it, but not before we do "cheers"!

These pictures above and below are from tonight. We had a great time splashing around in the crab pool and playing with bubbles and the hose after dinner. We then came in and took a bath and got our jammies on. Meanwhile Daddy made a rootbeer float for himself. Linnea remembered that the last time he made one of these he let her try some. So she was adamant about trying it again. Above is the bite, below is the reaction. In picture and video form. Enjoy!

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